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A Mom’s Top 10 Take-Away Lessons Learned From Disney World

I know it’s so cliche’ to say “hindsight is always 20-20”, but it is oh so true!  We just returned from a 7 day trip to Disney World with our three kids (age 11, 9, and 3).  And, if you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you should know that we had a wonderful trip!!  I L.O.V.E. Disney.  I try really hard to convince myself that I don’t…especially Disney World…because, I mean, who in their right mind wants to save for soooo long...

10 Things I’d Tell My 20-year-old Self

 I’m getting close to that next threshold of ages on surveys…you know, when you can no longer be grouped with that 20-35 group?  And, I must admit, it makes me feel old!  I’ll be officially closer to 40 than 30.  That’s right…I’m almost 36…eek!  And in my “old” age, I’ve spent more time lately in retrospect…not living in regret, but thinking of what I want to make sure I teach my daughters as they much-to-quickly grow up in front of my very...

Top 10 Budget & Family-Friendly Things To Do in South Wisconsin | 2016Family Vacation Recap

Several months back, I told you about our new “Scratch Map” — where you scratch off the states that you have visited, to reveal a full color map beneath.  Well, that map sparked our family vacation planning this year.  Our goal was to go somewhere new that was still within a reasonable driving distance for us and our three kids.  So, after looking many different directions, we decided on our 2016 Family Vacation destination…Wisconsin! Enjoying the windmill farms as we travel through...

Our Travel Adventures | Home Decor DIY

Lately, I have found so many cute home decor ideas involving MAPS, and I have fallen in love with the idea of “mapping” our family’s travel adventures in a way that we can use in our decor! I found a small 6″ globe (from Target) for my sweet baby sister, and purchased personalized vinyl lettering to say “Adventures of Megan” on the (ocean) side of the globe…then I marked with self-adhesive gemstones (from Hobby Lobby), all of the places she has...

Labor Day Fun

So, our family enjoyed our first “official” school holiday this past weekend — Labor Day. Yes, we were guilty in the past of homeschooling on those “holidays” to catch up or get ahead…so, it was great to have and enjoy a holiday with no schoolwork! Mark’s parents came in town for the weekend, so we had a great time with them. And we ended it by taking a spontaneous trip to the Birmingham Galleria to see the LEGO Americana Roadshow...

Throwback Thursday | Trip of “FIRSTS”

I was looking back through old pictures the other day, and ran across these images from 2005…WOW!  What memories flood my mind at the sight of these.  So, I thought I’d share them with you, too… This was a trip of many “firsts” for me…some planned…some not-so-much…some good…some, well… This was my first trip on a plane…ever…anywhere.  And it started with me getting to the airport {hours from home} with no picture ID to show to board the flight {thanks to...

Disney World | Day 3 | Epcot

Our 3rd day at Epcot was a very RAINY one!  Thankfully, there are lots of “inside” activities in Epcot.  We spent a LOT of time in the aquarium (seeing the fish, talking to Crush, and riding the Little Mermaid ride over and over again).   We also enjoyed “Figment” and his ride through the imagination, and then the fun hands-on activities following the ride!  The kids thought the “smell” tester was the best! 😉 After hanging around in Epcot’s Land...

Disney World | Day 2 | Animal Kingdom

We began our second day bright and early — enjoying the extra early magic hour for Animal Kingdom!  We had breakfast reservations at The Tusker House, but had almost 45 minutes before our reservation, so we headed immediately to the Kilamanjaro Safari Ride!  The animals were all out and about early this morning 🙂 Katie about to get on the jeep for the Safari 🙂 Hippos Our jeep 🙂  Fun times! Don’t ask me what this is… I’d say a...

Disney World | Day 1 | Magic Kingdom

Against everyone’s suggestions, we chose to start off at the Magic Kingdom (Hey! We’ve gotta take advantage of those Magic Hour days 🙂 hehe)  I think I was even more excited than the kids!!  I couldn’t wait to see their expressions when they got their first taste of DISNEY!   Here’s Austin waiting IN his stroller in our room…I think he was ready to go! Nana on the Main Street 🙂 Getting “organized” before getting  started in Magic Kingdom.  Yep,...