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5 Things I learned on my Journey to Becoming a Working Mom

Well, here we are, nearing the end of another school year (even saying it, I still can’t believe it!), but not just any school year.  This year was one of huge changes for our family…good changes…but hard ones, too!   Last August, just before Katie and Austin started their 7th and 5th grade years at Cornerstone Christian, I was asked to consider a secretary position at the school.  This opened the door for Addison to also start at Cornerstone in their amazing K4 program,...

In Bloom | Book Review

I don’t know about you, but I am pretty sure that if there were pictures in the dictionary, you would find mine right beside the word “insecure“. So, it’s no surprise that I was thrilled to read this book as soon as I saw the title: Because, who doesn’t want the Biblical kind of confidence in this thing called life?! So, within even the first few pages of this book (I am reviewing the digital version), I knew this book...

10 Things I’d Tell My 20-year-old Self

 I’m getting close to that next threshold of ages on surveys…you know, when you can no longer be grouped with that 20-35 group?  And, I must admit, it makes me feel old!  I’ll be officially closer to 40 than 30.  That’s right…I’m almost 36…eek!  And in my “old” age, I’ve spent more time lately in retrospect…not living in regret, but thinking of what I want to make sure I teach my daughters as they much-to-quickly grow up in front of my very...

The Mom Balancing Act: How do YOU do it?

Am I the only one that struggles daily with balance in life?  I’m pretty sure this started with kids…Katie, to be exact…almost 11 years ago now.  How do I keep the house clean, but still make meals for the family?  How do I “cherish” my time home with her, but still manage the laundry/homeschooling/cooking, etc.?  Pretty sure I’ve tried every book out there…every planner…every “routine” (for cooking, for cleaning, for sleeping…for, well, you name it!)  And, when I’ve asked those...

Prayers & Answered Prayers | Book Review

I have always been a fan of journaling and writing, although it has become a little harder with parenting…I don’t always take the time to do it, as I once did.  But, as a pre-teen and teenager, and even young adult, journaling was such a huge part of my growth in Christ!  I want to show my children the importance of journaling, so I was thrilled when I was able to review this “journal” for prayers and answered prayers! This...

With All Due Respect | Book Review

Having an almost 10 year old daughter, who is already very much in the “tween” stage in so many ways, I was excited to find and read “With All Due Respect: 40 Days to a More Fulfilling Relationship with Your Teens & Tweens”.   This book is set up more like a daily devotional for moms with a daily “challenge” to help relook/change your perspective toward your tween/teen, which in turn helps to build/rebuild that relationship between mother/child.   Each “day”...

Interpreter Needed | Life with a 2-Year-Old

So, over the past couple of months, I’ve noticed Addison’s 2-year-old vocabulary has sky-rocketed!  And I’ve noticed, at least to a small degree, that I’m not always the best at understanding.  But until this last week, I never considered that what I really needed was an interpreter…now, I’m certain of it… We’ve had our share of “misunderstandings”… PrissyPop is really Princess Cup…Moomoooo isn’t a cow but a Movie…JuuuBockes is OBVIOUSLY Juice Boxes… But each time we have ran across a word that I...

Walmart Grocery Review | It’s a GAME-CHANGER, Folks!!

Today I had my first Walmart Grocery (online ordering/pick-up) experience, and let me just say…this could be the biggest game-changer for our family, ever!   A couple of weeks ago, I received a mailer “introducing” me to the Walmart Grocery experience and offered a $10 credit on my first order.  I looked at it, and tucked it away in my coupon holder, and hadn’t really thought much about it.  Until today… You see, I have put off buying groceries for days…...

Bye-Bye, Paa-Paa | Pacifier Detox

So, it wasn’t until Addison was near 10 months old before she really began to show attachment to her “paa-paa” (pacifier) and “di” (burp cloth…the reason for that name will have to be another story in and of itself…).  But, when she attached, boy! did she attach!!  Though I have always tried to keep her “paa-paa” and “di” as an option only at bedtime, there were many other times that she insisted on it (car rides, tired times, hurt feelings, sickness,...