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Throwback Thursday | Trip of “FIRSTS”

August 6, 2015

I was looking back through old pictures the other day, and ran across these images from 2005…WOW!  What memories flood my mind at the sight of these.  So, I thought I’d share them with you, too…
This was a trip of many “firsts” for me…some planned…some not-so-much…some good…some, well…
This was my first trip on a plane…ever…anywhere.  And it started with me getting to the airport {hours from home} with no picture ID to show to board the flight {thanks to those pesky little “hidden” coin compartments in the bank teller envelopes, that so easily hid my license from me…and what’s that old saying again? Out of sight, out of mind…well, yeah…totally true…until you are in line ready to board the plane in another state.  What a start to my first plane trip! haha} But, God provided a way, and I was able to board the plane with my mission team and my husband.
This was my first trip out of the U.S….my first steps onto foreign soil.  {Which proved interesting due to my prior post about my ID not being in my possession for the first part of the Mexico mission trip. I definitely don’t recommend this, but, BOY!, does it give you stories to tell and memories to laugh about!}  
And, my first trip to beautiful desert land…
which also happens to be where lots of nightmare-ish creapy crawlies like to hide…everywhere
My first time putting my hands to work putting together God’s Word for people that longed to have their own copy…treasured it…read it…shared it with their family and friends.  Over 10,000 copies handed out for what the average household spends on a mortgage for one month

And, my first true “culture shock” seeing the conditions in which so many lived, but yet were so happy/content/thankful for what they had {which was seemingly nothing in comparison to our lives}.

This was a trip of many “firsts” for me…but, I pray, not the last!  I hope that we can one day be able to bring our kids to Bearing Precious Seed Ministries and let them put their hands on missions work, printing, making, and sharing God’s precious Word to those who still need to hear of His love for them.

What memories…what challenges…what blessings…what answers to prayer God gave us in this week of “firsts”!

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