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Recipe Fave | Granny’s Cornbread & Okra

So, I should start by saying that I am no cook!  That’s probably why I was so excited that my attempt to make my Granny’s cornbread and okra actually turned out.  You see…I love my Granny’s southern cooking.  But, she uses no recipes…she just adds what she thinks she needs, and it always turns out just perfectly.  Mine…not so much.  Thankfully, after many failed attempts, I finally succeeded!!  So, here’s what I did: Cornbread  Preheat oven to 400*.  If using a cast iron skillet (which...

Recipe Faves | Easy “School” Breakfast Muffins & Casserole

Tomorrow starts our “school year” routine, whether I’m ready or not!  So, I decided that today was the perfect day to cook up two of our favorite easy school morning breakfast recipes — though, now I’m thinking I probably set the bar a little too high for myself for the rest of the school year!  {Surely they won’t think they will have these every day, right??}  Either way, there are few things that I’ve tried that are any easier to prepare that...

Recipe Fave | Easy Fruit Salad

I wanted to guilt-free, dessert-worthy fruit salad for our playdate yesterday.  We were going to have 8 kids from age 2 to 9, and 2 moms…I needed a quick and easy, and also easy on the grocery budget, side to go with our lunch.  I looked through my old faithful book of recipes that I’ve added to over the last 10-12 years, and I found the yummy fruit salad recipe a sweet lady from my old church had shared with...

Easy Sausage Muffins

So, with the kids now in school outside of the home, I’ve been looking for easy but healthy (and filling) breakfasts.  I have pretty much overused the Bubble Up Breakfast Bake to the point that no one really wants it anymore….and other casserole style breakfasts have not been a hit with the entire family. But, I made an accidental discovery tonight, that my entire family loves!! I had browned some fresh sausage in preparation of making my Granny’s Mini Sausage...