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Labor Day Fun

September 7, 2015

So, our family enjoyed our first “official” school holiday this past weekend — Labor Day. Yes, we were guilty in the past of homeschooling on those “holidays” to catch up or get ahead…so, it was great to have and enjoy a holiday with no schoolwork!

Mark’s parents came in town for the weekend, so we had a great time with them. And we ended it by taking a spontaneous trip to the Birmingham Galleria to see the LEGO Americana Roadshow before it was gone. It was totally worth the short drive to see the amazing LEGO architecture and my excited kids amazement as they saw pieces of history in LEGOS! 

I cannot even begin to imagine building LEGOS for 450+ hours to create ONE of these!  But they were definitely neat to see!!

And who could go there without visiting the LEGO store?!  Definitely not us…Austin had some birthday money that was just beginning to be spent on new LEGO sets. And, making a build-a-bear stop and Lego stop for the kids may have helped “buy” away the sorrows they felt of havng Nana and Pawpaw leave. 
Our weekend was short, for sure, but it was lots of fun!  
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