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Fireworks at the Battleship

This 4th of July, we went with Mark’s parents and some of our friends to the Mobile/Baldwin County fireworks display at the Battleship. I wasn’t sure how good Katie would do, since we would be there from about 6 to 10 (fireworks started at 9). But she had a blast! She couldn’t wait to “tip toe in the grass”…that’s all she talked about doing on the way there. She ran all over the place non-stop, and loved every minute of...

Weekend Fun!

This past weekend was a very busy one for us, but it was full of lots of FUN! We started out by going to the annual Army Corps of Engineers’ Picnic Day on Friday. Then, after enjoying time in the nice but HOT weather, we headed out to North Alabama for a quick weekend trip to see the family. We arrived Friday evening and spent the rest of Friday night, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday morning seeing my family. Katie was...

It’s TIME!!!

Around the 20 week time, you turned to the breech position.  Regardless of what everyone thought, Katie never turned again, so we scheduled a c-section for 38 1/2 weeks.  We had to be at the hospital at 5am for my 7:15am surgery.  It was VERY early, but we were very excited!  We’re just about to leave for the hospital for Katie’s birth! Mark, Nana, and Mimi put on their scrubs, and were all able to see Katie’s birth! And, finally,...