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May 3, 2016


As this week began {yes, I do realize it is even now only Monday}, I found myself…

missing my closest friend, whom I had just said my “farewell’s” to, before they flew out of our country to follow God’s calling on their lives to be missionaries…
fighting back the tears I had pushed aside all weekend…
frustrated that no matter how much I tried, I could not finish a task before 10 more were added…
feeling like survival-mode was the best I could do…
thinking of the checkbook that was unbalanced…the laundry that was overflowing…the dust that was accummulating faster than I could wipe it clean…projects only half-done…a daughter who’s broken heart I couldn’t comfort…school project deadlines looming…groceries that hadn’t been picked up (or even planned)…
my head and my heart were in overload…
staring at my sink full of dirty dishes, as if I could will them away if only I stared long enough…
drowning in an ocean of undone’s, can’t do’s, and really don’t want to’s…
and in that moment…
the gentle, unjudging, voice full of love and concern of my husband, pulled me close and whispered in my ear…
That’s all he said.  That’s all it took.  I let a few tears escape on his shoulders, and I moved on…I moved ahead…knowing that when he saw me, he wasn’t seeing the failure that I was sure I was.  His eyes weren’t filtered through judgement and unrealistic expectations, but of love.  And, you know, I know my Heavenly Father’s grace, mercy, and love surpasses even my husband.  
So, in case you haven’t heard it…or heard it in quite some time…you need to know…
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