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Austin is 3!!

September 5, 2011

I can’t believe we’ve just celebrated my baby’s 3rd birthday!  Where have those last 3 years gone?!  We had a crazy rush of events surrounding his birthday, but Austin had a blast!

We had his official “party” at what our kids call the “best day ever park” in Priceville on Tuesday prior to his Thursday birthday.  The kids had a blast running, playing, swinging, and sliding with each other for hours of non-stop fun.  If it tells you anything, they didn’t even want to stop for the cake and ice cream!  I’m not going to say that it wasn’t hot…even though we waited until 6 to have his party…you can see the “red” faces in the pictures (haha), but everyone had a great time!  We were so thankful to have family and friends who could celebrate Austin’s birthday with us.

After his party, we went home & went to bed (after a little party gift playing occurred), then we woke up bright and early to do some quick packing to leave for Mobile for the next 10 days!  Mark and I had decided that the kids and I would stay in Mobile for another week, while he came back to work (training he couldn’t miss) and paint the kids new combined bedroom.  So, we had extra time to spend with everyone…which was great!  To say the kids were excited to see their Mobile friends and family would be a severe understatement.  As you can see from the pictures, I have two kids that were quickly turning into little fish while in Mobile (enjoying Uncle George’s “new pool”!)  Katie and Austin also got to have some much desired time with their sweet little friends.  Katie even surprised her best friend, Elizabeth, by showing up with Amber to pick Elizabeth up from school.  Such sweet memories they’ll be sure to remember for a while!  As always, our time went by much too quickly, but it was enjoyed by all. 

After our 10 days, we packed up and got ready to head home (to be home in time for Mark’s birthday over the Labor Day weekend), and we were excited to have a special guest ride back with us.  Nana decided to ride up and spend the weekend with us and Mark, and Pawpaw Greg drove up after work to join us.  It was a quick but special weekend that we were all able to spend with them.

So, can you say life’s been a LITTLE bit crazy lately?!  But I love my crazy-beautiful life.

Here are some pictures from Austin’s birthday parties and Mobile fun…


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