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Don’t Worry About What Others Think

“Don’t worry what others think…” Who’s heard that before?!  Pretty sure I’ve heard it my entire life. I have probably even said it myself on occasion. But why is it so hard to put into action and balance it with wisdom?! The other day, Mark and I were talking, and he asked me about my blog…yeah…the one I’ve neglected for almost a year (again).  I told him how I missed writing and just having an “outlet” of sorts…but you know what had...

Hello, World!

Hello, World! How do you like the new look?!  I’ve been working hard to update the site…because, you know, sometimes…change is GOOD! But I wanted to let you know that it’s taking me some time to get all of the posts transferred over…especially the newer ones.  So, be patient, and enjoy a look at some of my older posts as you wait for the new stuff to show up. Looking forward to sharing with you in so many ways over the...

Interpreter Needed | Life with a 2-Year-Old

So, over the past couple of months, I’ve noticed Addison’s 2-year-old vocabulary has sky-rocketed!  And I’ve noticed, at least to a small degree, that I’m not always the best at understanding.  But until this last week, I never considered that what I really needed was an interpreter…now, I’m certain of it… We’ve had our share of “misunderstandings”… PrissyPop is really Princess Cup…Moomoooo isn’t a cow but a Movie…JuuuBockes is OBVIOUSLY Juice Boxes… But each time we have ran across a word that I...

Recipe Faves | Easy “School” Breakfast Muffins & Casserole

Tomorrow starts our “school year” routine, whether I’m ready or not!  So, I decided that today was the perfect day to cook up two of our favorite easy school morning breakfast recipes — though, now I’m thinking I probably set the bar a little too high for myself for the rest of the school year!  {Surely they won’t think they will have these every day, right??}  Either way, there are few things that I’ve tried that are any easier to prepare that...

10 years ago…

10 years ago, I was… 24 years old young… 6 years out of high school… over halfway through my first pregnancy with my sweet Katiebug… decorating our first “nursery” in Malawi Jungle Animals… anxiously awaiting Katie’s November due date… 2 years out of college… working at McNeil, Jackson, Ahrens Financial Group… living in our first home in Mobile, Alabama… purchasing our first SUV, our Torrent, which we still drive and love… 2 years into our marriage with the love of my...

Walmart Grocery Review | It’s a GAME-CHANGER, Folks!!

Today I had my first Walmart Grocery (online ordering/pick-up) experience, and let me just say…this could be the biggest game-changer for our family, ever!   A couple of weeks ago, I received a mailer “introducing” me to the Walmart Grocery experience and offered a $10 credit on my first order.  I looked at it, and tucked it away in my coupon holder, and hadn’t really thought much about it.  Until today… You see, I have put off buying groceries for days…...

Every Day Moments | July 24, 2016

Outside my window…is rain, rain, and more rain. I am thinking…of my to-do list for the day, and which to prioritize during nap time 🙂 I am thankful for…my garage and my umbrella. From the kids’ rooms…it’s eerily quiet…being only the second week of school outside of our home, I’m not quite used to it.   From the kitchen…I see a clean {and EMPTY} sink, thanks to my sweet husband’s work after lunch. I am going…to enjoy Addison’s nap time...

Recipe Fave | Easy Fruit Salad

I wanted to guilt-free, dessert-worthy fruit salad for our playdate yesterday.  We were going to have 8 kids from age 2 to 9, and 2 moms…I needed a quick and easy, and also easy on the grocery budget, side to go with our lunch.  I looked through my old faithful book of recipes that I’ve added to over the last 10-12 years, and I found the yummy fruit salad recipe a sweet lady from my old church had shared with...

Top 10 Budget & Family-Friendly Things To Do in South Wisconsin | 2016Family Vacation Recap

Several months back, I told you about our new “Scratch Map” — where you scratch off the states that you have visited, to reveal a full color map beneath.  Well, that map sparked our family vacation planning this year.  Our goal was to go somewhere new that was still within a reasonable driving distance for us and our three kids.  So, after looking many different directions, we decided on our 2016 Family Vacation destination…Wisconsin! Enjoying the windmill farms as we travel through...

Bye-Bye, Paa-Paa | Pacifier Detox

So, it wasn’t until Addison was near 10 months old before she really began to show attachment to her “paa-paa” (pacifier) and “di” (burp cloth…the reason for that name will have to be another story in and of itself…).  But, when she attached, boy! did she attach!!  Though I have always tried to keep her “paa-paa” and “di” as an option only at bedtime, there were many other times that she insisted on it (car rides, tired times, hurt feelings, sickness,...