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Our “Exciting” Friday Experience

I know I just posted earlier this week…but I had to share the “experience” I shared with Katie today. Today, Katie locked me out of the house for the first (and hopefully last) time! I was taking the mail to the mailbox, and when I returned, the door was LOCKED! All I could think was that I have a 19 mo old and a dog loose in my house without supervision. She was already climbing onto the kitchen chairs when...

Audubon Zoo Trip

Yesterday, we took Katie on her first zoo trip. Our families met up and enjoyed a day at the New Orleans Zoo. It was hot, but we all had a great time…especially Katie! We heard a lot of “I want to get it” and “I want that” when she saw the animals. It was so cute!! She has really enjoyed having a weekend with her Papa Ricky, Mimi, and Aunt Meg, since she doesn’t see them often. Here are a...

It’s TIME!!!

Around the 20 week time, you turned to the breech position.  Regardless of what everyone thought, Katie never turned again, so we scheduled a c-section for 38 1/2 weeks.  We had to be at the hospital at 5am for my 7:15am surgery.  It was VERY early, but we were very excited!  We’re just about to leave for the hospital for Katie’s birth! Mark, Nana, and Mimi put on their scrubs, and were all able to see Katie’s birth! And, finally,...

A Little Souvenir!

Last night, I had a dream…a very real dream that I was pregnant.  I woke before Mark went to work, but I didn’t want to get him excited for no reason, so I waited until after he left for work to take a home pregnancy test. That was the longest wait {1 – because I was curious if I were truly pregnant, since we had only just began trying, and 2 – because it was really hard to wait that long when...