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Top 10 Budget & Family-Friendly Things To Do in South Wisconsin | 2016Family Vacation Recap

Several months back, I told you about our new “Scratch Map” — where you scratch off the states that you have visited, to reveal a full color map beneath.  Well, that map sparked our family vacation planning this year.  Our goal was to go somewhere new that was still within a reasonable driving distance for us and our three kids.  So, after looking many different directions, we decided on our 2016 Family Vacation destination…Wisconsin! Enjoying the windmill farms as we travel through...

Bye-Bye, Paa-Paa | Pacifier Detox

So, it wasn’t until Addison was near 10 months old before she really began to show attachment to her “paa-paa” (pacifier) and “di” (burp cloth…the reason for that name will have to be another story in and of itself…).  But, when she attached, boy! did she attach!!  Though I have always tried to keep her “paa-paa” and “di” as an option only at bedtime, there were many other times that she insisted on it (car rides, tired times, hurt feelings, sickness,...

Katie & Austin’s Newest Artwork

If you have known our kids for any amount of time, you know that they both love art and have a talent for it!  They certainly did NOT get that from me!!  {If you don’t believe me, ask me to show you my greatest artwork, and you’ll get a stick-figure person or a basic daisy/tree/sun picture…seriously.} The kids have been blessed to have a fantastic art teacher (Ms. Michele at Hartselle Art Studio & Gallery — www.hartselleartstudio.com that they’ve been...

Movie-Clip Monday | Addison’s Tribute to Swiper the Fox

Addison has recently discovered Dora, Boots, and the infamous “Swiper, the fox”… And, if you know most typical 1-3 year olds (she’s almost 2 now)…once they find something they like, they watch it OVER… AND OVER… AND OVER AGAIN… Until the know every. single. phrase. {and so do you!} Well, this week is Dora.  And her new FAVORITE phrase came from it.  “Oh, mannnn!!” If you’ve ever watched Swiper the fox say that, it sounds more like “oh, miennnnn!” Now, everytime...

London Art Chase | Children Book Review

Faithgirlz: London Art Chase is the first book of the Glimmer Girls series published by Zonderkidz, written by award-winning artist Natalie Grant, and features beautiful (black and white) illustrations by Cathi Mingus. This series is the Nancy Drew of juvenile Christian fiction!  It is written for girls ages 8-12, and is well-suited for the range in subject, appropriateness, and age/stage-based experiences. The main characters are the Glimmer family–10 year old twin sisters (Mia & Maddie), their 6 year old sister (Lulu),...

I said WHAT?!

So…I hope I’m not the only parent who finds themselves saying very…strange…things that I never in a million years would have thought I’d say.  Here are a few of them I’ve found myself saying lately… “We don’t draw on the furniture with Chapstick!” “You cannot climb into the kitchen drawer…” “We don’t throw our food in the bathtub…” “Stop putting your finger in your nose…” “Oh no!  We canNOT put our finger in the dog’s nose either!”… And that’s the...

Welcoming a Baby Without a Nursery | Frugal Hacks For Growing Families

Nobody puts baby in a…closet!  Or, do they? My oldest child is 9 currently, and boy!, have things changed!  When we found that we were expecting for the first time, everything was purchased new {*Gasp!* I know!!  What was I thinking?!} and was perfectly furnished to match all of the “model nurseries” you found in the latest Parenting magazine.  We had it all…a large convertible crib {which, by the way, was not even used for the first few months of...

New Year’s Resolutions 2016

I am the world’s worst resolution maker — so much so that I have refused to even make any the last few years.  Sad, I know. But I am making a resolution this year…to make a resolution list…and to do my best to keep those resolutions. After all…what better time to start than a fresh year (especially for someone with at least a hint of OCD remaining after three children)?! So, what do I want written in my “book” for 2016?...

25 Things I Say To My Kids Every.Single.Day.

Even though our daily routine is anything but a routine, I find that I repeat myself daily. Here are the top 25 things I say everyday (often multiple times each day) with our three kids (age 18 mo, 7 yr, and 9 yr): 1.  Just a minute! 2.  You don’t NEED another “nack” (AKA snack)… 3.  Stop running in the house. 4.  Did you put your clothes away?? 5.  That is not a toy… 6.  Go to the bathroom!! 7.  No,...