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Sew Krafty – Little Mommy Accessories | AG Bitty Baby | Review & DISCOUNT CODE!

May 20, 2016

{TODAY through JUNE 6th, if you mention our blog post in an email to their store site or use the code LITTLEMAMA5P, you will get 5% off of everything in the store!! Go check them out!!!}  
I don’t know about you, but I am always looking for unique gift ideas for my children (and nieces, nephews, cousins…well, you get the picture!).  Recently, my sweet 5 year old niece asked for a “real” looking diaper bag and accessories for her birthday to use with her new American Girl Bitty Baby.  I looked all over the “big name” stores online, only to find small, unrealistic ones made more for 2-year-olds.  So, that got me to thinking…there had to be somewhere I could find cuter, more realistic accessories for all of those sweet “Little Mommies” out there!  That’s when I stumbled across Sew Krafty by Angie & Liz!

They currently have at least 30 reasons (and growing) why you should check their Etsy shop
I have two “Little Mommies” of my own…an almost 2-year-old, who is obsessed with anything baby, especially for her AG Bitty Baby…and a 9-year-old who still enjoys “realistic” pretend play.  Yes, that is a pretty broad age-range, but I’d venture to say that Sew Krafty has successfully bridged that gap to create items that all ages would love!

Angie & Liz sent me an adorable diaper bag and accessory kit to enjoy & review (and they’ve also offered a great deal for you, as well, so keep reading!!)  I was floored by the attention-to-detail and wonderful craftsmanship of their items!  There was much thought, time, and love put into the making of these items.  

The sets are perfectly coordinated.  The diaper bag is a beautiful replica of what I carried for my own babies…just on a smaller, more manageable scale…complete with side and inside pockets, and a velcro closure (hidden by a button).  SO stinkin’ cute!!

And, what diaper bag would be complete without a doll-size minky blanket, diaper changing pad, shoulder burp cloth, diapers, bib, and {my personal favorite accessory} a wipe holder and wipes?! 
 All matching/coordinating.  Everything is soft…child-friendly…and as cute as can be…all while mimicking exactly what a Mom would have/need.  Truly perfect for all of your “Little Mommies” out there! 
The diapers are completely adjustable, so they will easily fit a wide variety of baby dolls!  We used them on our AG Bitty Baby dolls, as that’s what is most played with here.  But we also tried them on our Corolle doll, Circo doll, and even a newborn Cabbage Patch doll!  Totally versatile for baby dolls!  (Which is perfect for us, since I apparently have a 2-year-old baby doll “hoarder” {haha–but that’s a whole other story…}). 
Now, this set impressed me!  I was super-excited about how beautifully crafted it was, and I would totally use this as a special gift for any “Little Mommy” I know!  But, I couldn’t post a review without handing it over to my 2 and 9 year old girls, to see their reactions…
Before handing it over to my 2-year-old, I let my 9-year-old see it.  She’s at a hard age to know what she would and would not play with…she still likes imagination play, but there’s apparently a very thin line on what is “too babyish” and what is acceptable.  And I am no good at finding that line.  However, as soon as I brought the set out, she was in love!  Being older, she immediately wanted to play “realistically” with it…she brought out the changing pad, to put on a clean (new) diaper…she used the burp cloth on her shoulder while she rocked the baby to sleep…and she adored having a diaper bag that she felt was made “just for her”.  Her only complaint was that she’d have to share with her little sister!  {We may be purchasing a second set in our near future!}

This set totally passed the approval test of my 9-year-old…with flying colors!  And this Mom loved seeing that imagination play come back in a more realistic fashion at an age that is so often more interested in electronics, etc.  What better way to “teach” those basic Mommy skills than letting them mimic for themselves exactly what they see real moms doing? 
Now, I knew my 2-year-old would love this…she has a definite love for bags and baby dolls…but I wasn’t sure if she would be old enough to understand the pretend play portion of all the accessories she now had.  I was wrong!  She immediately but her diaper bag on her shoulder (it was a little long for her, but didn’t drag the floor…and she certainly didn’t care!), and told us her baby had “shoo-shooed” {which is Addison language for needing a clean diaper}.  

 Obviously, my 2-year-old doesn’t do realistic pretend play the same as my 9-year-old…but she packs and repacks her diaper bag frequently throughout the day.  She doesn’t take her doll anywhere without her “bag” ready to go!

This diaper bag and accessories is apparently going to be very well-loved and well-used here…but after seeing the workmanship Angie & Liz put into it, I could see it lasting through all of their fun play stages.

On a side note, the diaper bag fit beautifully over the handle of my daughter’s baby doll stroller, which she loves!  Now she’s totally ready to see the world, baby and all of baby’s “necessities” in tow.

So, what’s my overall review?  In case it wasn’t clear above…{grins}  Take a look at Sew Krafty’s shop!!  They have so many adorable items for sale for your favorite “Little Mommies” — diaper bags and accessories (like what I just showed you), doll clothes, aprons, and even mini boppy pillows complete with nursing covers (I totally needed this a few years ago…when my oldest kept stealing my boppy to feed her own baby {haha}…)
And they already have plans for more awesome products over the next month!  Check them out!  It’s worth your time…I promise!  AND starting TODAY through JUNE 6th, if you mention our blog post in an email to their store site or use the code LITTLEMAMA5P, you will get 5% off of everything in the store!!  
Here’s how to keep up with them and their newest creations:
Sew Krafty Etsy Shop (be sure to favorite their shop for quick access!!)
Facebook Page (go like it and follow their newest additions!)
I received this book for free from Sew Krafty for this review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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