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Destination: 5th Honeymoon!

Can you believe that Mark and I are close to 2 months away from celebrating our 5th year of “tru wuv in wawage, that bwessed awangment.” [Taken from The Princess Bride…I couldn’t resist…I love that movie]. August 14th will begin our 5th year together, and I’m falling deeper in love every day with my prince. God has blessed me so much Well, I am sure you did not come here to read lots of ooshy, gooshy, romantic things I could...

Random Photo Challenge

2002 8th folder – July 25th picture {if you don’t have this far back, pick the next closest year} MEXICO BOUND! I didn’t have anything further back than 2005 on the computer. This is July 2005, on our way into Mexico with our church mission trip. Oh, the memories this brings back to me…the first being me not having my license with me (don’t ask), but STILL being able to board planes AND get across the border! Talk about God...

Our 4th Year Anniversary!!

Yesterday was our 4th year wedding anniversary! Can you believe it??? It seems like only yesterday we were getting planning for the big day. Now, we have had 4 wonderful years of marriage, a beautiful daughter, and a son on the way! Oh, how greatly God has blessed our family!!! For our anniversary, Mark’s parents kept Katie for the afternoon/evening, while Mark and I had a wonderful date night together. Here are a few pictures of us before our date...

Mobile Botanical Gardens

Today we went to the Mobile Botanical Gardens to attempt to get a few pictures of our family before Austin arrived. Although we were there at 9am, it was MISERABLY hot! Needless to say, none of us wanted to be taking pictures for very long. We didn’t get very many, but Mark took a few great shots that I wanted to share with you all! Hope you enjoy!! Me & Katie Taking a walk…More laughs… 😀 awww…Daddy & Katie (cheesing!)35...

Our Crazy-Busy Life

It’s been a couple of weeks since I updated, so I thought I’d post to let you know about our CRAZY-BUSY life lately! If you didn’t already hear, Mark was officially offered and accepted a full-time permanent position with the Army Corps of Engineers here in Mobile two weeks ago. That was a HUGE answer to prayer, because we didn’t feel that God was ready for us to move out of the state, but there also weren’t any comparable jobs...

Fireworks at the Battleship

This 4th of July, we went with Mark’s parents and some of our friends to the Mobile/Baldwin County fireworks display at the Battleship. I wasn’t sure how good Katie would do, since we would be there from about 6 to 10 (fireworks started at 9). But she had a blast! She couldn’t wait to “tip toe in the grass”…that’s all she talked about doing on the way there. She ran all over the place non-stop, and loved every minute of...

It’s TIME!!!

Around the 20 week time, you turned to the breech position.  Regardless of what everyone thought, Katie never turned again, so we scheduled a c-section for 38 1/2 weeks.  We had to be at the hospital at 5am for my 7:15am surgery.  It was VERY early, but we were very excited!  We’re just about to leave for the hospital for Katie’s birth! Mark, Nana, and Mimi put on their scrubs, and were all able to see Katie’s birth! And, finally,...

2 years!

Today is our 2-year wedding anniversary, and we had a great surprise in store for our special day! We were able to get a sneak peak at Katie Brooke in 4-D. I am 26 1/2 weeks along now. They weighed Katie at 2 lbs, and even got to see her yawning at us. Little did we know that after that lazy morning, she was going to be kicking and turning summersaults the rest of the afternoon (upside-down, even!) Oh! The fun that we...