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Dining Room DIY | Plate Wall Display

November 1, 2016

Since seeing (and falling in love with) this image (below) on Pinterest last year (or maybe even longer!), I decided I wanted to use my “dining room” wall (since we don’t actually have a dining room, per se’) to display my own collection of eclectic plates.  It took me a while…shopping at thrift stores, antique shops, yard sales, and even current store inventories to finally collect enough to begin my wall.  But it’s finally up (though I’m sure I’ll add more as I find others I like), and I am thrilled!!


Here’s a closer view of my very not perfect (intentionally, but equally challenging for a perfectionist) plate wall so far.  I was so excited to find the Flatiron Disc Adhesives on Amazon to hang my plates without having to use they old-style wire (and visible) hangers.  These are super easy to apply (I followed the directions to a “t” and had NO problems!), but they also say they can be removed without damaging the plates, should you ever want to.  And, as far as the wall is concerned, you hang it just as you would a small picture!  Easy peasy.
And I couldn’t be more excited with my end results!  Now, I have the perfect place to display my Granny’s vintage wash stand pieces.  Just gotta find the tea towels I want to hang from them and candles for the candle holders!  (You know there’s always something to be done!)


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