[REQ_ERR: OPERATION_TIMEDOUT] [KTrafficClient] Something is wrong. Enable debug mode to see the reason. parenting – Desires of my Heart Blog http://desiresofmyheartblog.com Sharing ups, downs, and everything in between of my journey — motherhood, marriage, faith, and more Tue, 21 Jul 2020 15:51:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.4.15 http://desiresofmyheartblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/cropped-DomH-32x32.png parenting – Desires of my Heart Blog http://desiresofmyheartblog.com 32 32 It’s No Wonder We Are Crazy http://desiresofmyheartblog.com/index.php/2020/01/25/its-no-wonder-we-are-crazy/ Sat, 25 Jan 2020 00:47:54 +0000 http://desiresofmyheartblog.com/?p=1666

Though my kids may disagree since I was born before the internet, I don’t consider myself “old”.  But it seems that in my short 35 years of life, I’ve seen so many facts change to fiction (and vice versa), that I don’t even know what to believe many times.  Yes, I get that we are always learning new things…and “when we know better, we do better”…I totally get it.  But thinking about it makes my head spin.  It’s no wonder we are crazy!

A few examples…

Eat more grains.  Oh, no!  Don’t eat any grains.  But wait, maybe we do need grains, just use them sparingly.  Fats?  Sparingly of course!  But wait, here’s some that are “healthy” fats. 

Technology has come a long way!  Make sure you’re teaching your kids how to use it, so they can be successful in the workplace.  Don’t let your kids have technology…it causes ADHD and a myriad of other things.  We should go back to the dark ages before we had technology. 

Shop on the outside aisles of the grocery store for healthy living.  Oh, but you really should avoid red meats.  And not too many fruits…actually only eat berries, the rest are bad for you.  

Give your kids options to explore extracurricular activities, so they can find their passion.  Do you really think your kids need so much “extra”??  When we were young, we didn’t get to do all that…we just played outside all day with kick-the-can and mud pies.

Don’t work outside of the home.  Your place is in the home teaching and training your kids.  Why don’t you go find a job?  You know you need car funds, college funds, retirement funds, and more not too far down the road.

Don’t ever just rent a house.  You waste so much money that way…you may as well throw it away.  Why don’t you just rent a house instead of buy so you can move if you ever wanted to without the hassle of buy/sell and profit/loss?  And you may not even have yard work to keep up with.

Always vaccinate.  Never vaccinate.  Well, maybe we should…but on our terms.

Make sure you don’t let your kid have a smart phone…there’s so much bad on it.  They get nothing but a good ole flip phone.  Train your kids with technology while they are in your care/supervision, so they know how to act and handle it carefully when they are outside of the home.

Now, before you jump on my case…I know EVERY one of these topics have truth to them…good and bad.  And I know that we have to do our due diligence and research the good, the bad, and the ugly on it all, and then, after lots of prayer, make a decision that we feel is right for our families.  But do you ever get tired of making those decisions?  Especially when it comes to your own kids??  I know I am.  Allowance or not?  Movies or not?  This app or that?  Vacations or not?  These styles or those?  Guard them or let them live and learn?  This rule or that?  College or no college?  On and on and on it goes…if you let it, it consumes you daily.  Every day, I feel like I am faced with 1,000 (or more) decisions that I’m helping (directly or indirectly) my kids to make…and there isn’t one day that I’ve been confident of those decisions.  Especially when I think back to how many “truths” have changed in my lifetime alone. 


It’s no wonder we are crazy!

But, my heart finds solace and rest in knowing that none of these decisions affect the one absolute truth that has and never will change…the love of God.  I may make a mess of parenting on a daily…or even an hourly…basis.  I may “scar my kids for life” with weird habits, “truths” that change over time, and personality quirks.  But, as long as I make sure to live a life for Christ…share Christ and His love with and to my kids…and ultimately do all I can to lead them to their personal salvation in Christ, where they too will follow Him in all of life’s crazy turns, then I’ve succeeded. 


So, bring on the craziness, Life.  I serve a God who listens and answers my prayers, even the ones from an exhausted, confused mother who has no idea what she’s doing. I’m ready to quit worrying over the little things that are bound to change time and time again, so I can fully focus on the ONE who never changes.



5 Things I learned on my Journey to Becoming a Working Mom http://desiresofmyheartblog.com/index.php/2019/04/11/5-things-i-learned-on-my-journey-to-becoming-a-working-mom/ http://desiresofmyheartblog.com/index.php/2019/04/11/5-things-i-learned-on-my-journey-to-becoming-a-working-mom/#comments Thu, 11 Apr 2019 13:35:00 +0000 http://desiresofmyheartblog.com/?p=1554 Well, here we are, nearing the end of another school year (even saying it, I still can’t believe it!), but not just any school year.  This year was one of huge changes for our family…good changes…but hard ones, too!  

Last August, just before Katie and Austin started their 7th and 5th grade years at Cornerstone Christian, I was asked to consider a secretary position at the school.  This opened the door for Addison to also start at Cornerstone in their amazing K4 program, which we had been praying about for months but just couldn’t figure out how to make it work. So, with God’s leading, we nervously leapt into a whirlwind of changes!  

I went from a busy stay-at-home mom of 12 years to a full-time job outside the home, part-time job inside the home, and large ministry responsibilities with Mark at church.  My wardrobe changed, our routines changed, even trying to juggle when to buy groceries (let alone cook them) changed!  Addison went from a non-structured daily play time while I worked in the home to a very structured full school day 5 days a week. Katie went from elementary school with one teacher to high school with 7 different classes, and multiple different teachers and rules. Austin and Mark just “went” with it, as they so calmly always handle change.  To say our lives were turned upside down would be the understatement of the century! 

But God is good ALL the time!  He knew so much that we needed before we ever did!!  I absolutely LOVE my new role in the school.  I not only get to see my kids as they grow and learn at school, but I get to be there with them!  I get to help the school in ways I never had in the past. It’s given me renewed purpose and passion in life that had somehow became foggy as a stay at home mom with older kids. And Addison, wow!  I can’t even begin to explain how good school has been for her!  And, other than the fact that she hates early mornings ALWAYS, she has loved every part!  I am so thankful that God saw a need and filled it above and beyond my dreams before I even knew what the need was!  Here are a few things that my journey to becoming a working mom has taught me:

1) Each family and their dynamics were designed and created perfectly by God, but are all different. Just because working outside the home {or being a stay-at-home mom} is right for one person definitely doesn’t mean that it will be the same for someone else.  It just doesn’t work that way.  And, just because it worked one year {or in my case, 12 years}, doesn’t mean it’s going to work forever. Life changes…seasons change.  God told us to expect it, embrace it, and learn from it (Ecclesiastes).

2) Self-given guilt trips are not recommended or productive. It does no one any good whatsoever for you to make yourself feel guilty about your family’s decision for change, or the changes that came due to the decision.  Self-given guilt trips are not helpful, but harmful for you and your family.  Just don’t go there.

3) It does not matter what anyone else thinks about your decision, your reasons for your decision, or the details surrounding it. I am the world’s worst about worrying about what others will think about what I do/wear/think/say/write/whatever….and you know what, that’s PRIDE, and it’s a sin!  It doesn’t matter what others think as long as you and your family are following the direction God has called you.  He gave you the child(ren) you have for a reason, knowing that you would {and should} sometimes do things different than those around you.  So, don’t worry about anyone else.

4) You have to let some things go. When things change, things can’t stay the same. That’s deep, huh? But seriously…you may have made from-scratch, gourmet meals as a stay-at-home mom (not me…but maybe someone did)…and you may be doing good to make quick throw together meals (or even cereal dinner nights or take-out) as a working mom. And don’t even get me started on house-cleaning and laundry…but, you know what? It’s okay! Let go of those little things that don’t matter, and hold on to those little ones God entrusted to you.

5) Following God’s direction back into the workforce as a mom {or whatever your decision may be}, does not make you a failure; it makes you obedient! Everyone can have their opinions here, but the truth is, if you are following God’s direction, you’re not a failure, a slacker, or a selfish mom…you’re an obedient one. And, friend, there’s no place I’d rather be than in the center of God’s will, because He always knows what’s best for me!

I don’t know what change in season you may be experiencing, or may be about to experience, but if you find yourself in a changing season, I hope these things help you on your journey, as they have me.  {And maybe you’ll learn them earlier in the process than I did, since I am only able to see these more clearly as I look hindsight, change after change.}  

“We must learn and move on. Moving on means I must be willing to say yes to the unknown ahead of me and trust God’s leading.” — Bill Hybels

So, now, I am going to say YES to new adventures! Big and small! And enjoy the ever-changing journey God is taking us on. What about you?

http://desiresofmyheartblog.com/index.php/2019/04/11/5-things-i-learned-on-my-journey-to-becoming-a-working-mom/feed/ 1
In Bloom | Book Review http://desiresofmyheartblog.com/index.php/2018/05/25/in-bloom-book-review/ Fri, 25 May 2018 20:13:07 +0000 http://desiresofmyheartblog.com/?p=1383 I don’t know about you, but I am pretty sure that if there were pictures in the dictionary, you would find mine right beside the word “insecure“.

So, it’s no surprise that I was thrilled to read this book as soon as I saw the title:

Because, who doesn’t want the Biblical kind of confidence in this thing called life?!

So, within even the first few pages of this book (I am reviewing the digital version), I knew this book was written for me. Kayla is so completely honest in this book about her life, her fears, her insecurities, her mistakes, from adolescent age to adult…that any mom cannot help but relate to something within the pages of this book. But, most likely, you’ll be like me…laughing…crying…nodding your head…and wondering how she could possibly know so much about you when you know you have kept it hidden well beneath the walls of your life.

I wanted to be able to embrace it, believe it, and live it. I wanted a hallowed spirit of confidence to be my anthem. The problem was, after spending so many years feeling uncomfortable in my own skin, I didn’t really know who I was. I had sort of pieced together a false personality based on attributes that people seemed to admire in my friends or what I thought was expected of me.

She mixes her life story, her testimony, with lots of witty humor and with God’s word, and how she’s learned from it over the years.

The problem was that I had let myself be defined by other people. I had set my guidelines by other flawed humans rather than by the spirit of who I was created to be. Defining ourselves by the narrow perspective of another person limits us to only a small portion of our potential. It creates boundaries and restrictions where God intended for us to experience freedom. Seriously, that’s not my opinion, that’s in the actual Bible: “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” (2 Cor. 3:17).

It’s one thing to know you are insecure, but this book takes it to a whole new level as it challenges you to learn that God didn’t make you to be insecure…to set unrealistic expectations for yourself and your life as a mom/wife/employee/homemaker/etc. And how to change.

I remember my husband and I discussing my dislike of cooking when we were engaged, declaring my insistence that I would enjoy it when we were married. “Then I’ll be cooking as a wife. It will be, like, my job,” I told him emphatically. It’s so cute how naïve I was. I truly believed that once we said, “I do,” I would be blessed with Martha Stewart-esque domestic skills and that I would count it all joy because that’s what I’d been taught about biblical womanhood. So you can see how it was slightly confusing to me when I felt less like counting it all joy and more like throwing my spatula across the room the sixth time I burnt our dinner black.

I read this book pretty slowly. Much due to the busy life I have with the three kids and all that we are uncles in as a family, but I decided I liked it more in short sessions–a little laughter with a challenge during my little one’s nap time. I personally wouldn’t recommend rushing through it, though it is not a hard read at all!

The Word is our metamorphosis, coming to life within us, and we emerge stretching damp gossamer wings of grace.

If you are a woman/wife/mom, this book is for you. I am not sure that I have ever read a more open and honest book. It was refreshing to feel that I’m not alone in my innermost thoughts and fears, and that there are others who not only have been there, but have found their way away from their fears and insecurities and straight to God’s grace and confidence in who He designed them to be.

 You can find your copy here using my affiliate link:

I received this book for free from B&H Publishing Group Blogger Program for this review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.

10 Things I’d Tell My 20-year-old Self http://desiresofmyheartblog.com/index.php/2018/05/01/10-things-id-tell-my-20-year-old-self/ Tue, 01 May 2018 17:52:23 +0000 http://desiresofmyheartblog.com/index.php/2018/05/01/10-things-id-tell-my-20-year-old-self/  I’m getting close to that next threshold of ages on surveys…you know, when you can no longer be grouped with that 20-35 group?  And, I must admit, it makes me feel old!  I’ll be officially closer to 40 than 30.  That’s right…I’m almost 36…eek!  And in my “old” age, I’ve spent more time lately in retrospect…not living in regret, but thinking of what I want to make sure I teach my daughters as they much-to-quickly grow up in front of my very eyes.  So, here’s a few things that came to mind when I considered what things I’d tell my 20-year-old self:

  1.   Don’t rush into living buying the “American Dream”…when we got engaged and married, there were things you were just “supposed” to have and do.  You were supposed to be working toward buying your first house.  You were supposed to have certain pieces of furniture…real china place settings…and so on and so forth.  But, looking back, I think of the many “things” we hurriedly purchased or requested as gifts that are seldom (if ever) used.  I think of how we so early in our journey together, put ourselves in holes financially that we would end up spending years to get out of…all because we thought that was just “what you do”.  Don’t be afraid to live WITHIN your means…even if it is different that what the norm is.  Just enjoy life together.  
  2.   And, since it goes right along with the previous statement… Material things really are just things, and they don’t last.  The older I get, the more I realize how little the “things” mean…and how much stress and clutter (physically and emotionally) they add.  Be mindful of getting necessities and non-necessities confused.  No, it isn’t wrong to have nice things, but don’t try to find happiness and fulfillment in things…you’ll fall short every time.  
  3.   One of the biggest things I’d tell a “younger” me…Travel abroad while you’re young and not in the midst of parenthood.  When I was young and just married, I wanted to hurry to get that “American Dream” style life much too quickly.  I wanted a dog…and when I had a dog, I wanted a house…and when I had a house…I wanted a child…and, well, everything changes after that.  Looking back, although we were young and in love and growing closer to each other daily, we didn’t give ourselves much time to travel and enjoy the world together.  We always planned for those moments…we dream of those moments even now…but those dreams often have to take a side seat to life with kids.  I’m not saying that you can’t travel with kids or while you have kids, but I am saying that you have way more responsibilities (physically and financially) once kids are in the picture.  So, if you have the chance, don’t rush so fast into that cookie-cutter life you think you should have as a couple.  Live a little…see new things…find passions together…don’t run so fast to the next stop on your journey that you forget to enjoy the views along the way.
  4.   Stop worrying about what everyone else thinks you should be doing.  I’ve always been a people-pleaser…I’ve spent my life trying to please everyone else, even when it made me unhappy…because, well, that is just me.  But, in my “old age”, I’ve realized that it’s okay if I’m not doing everything exactly as someone else thinks I should.  I’m not going to please everyone ever…and I don’t have to.  In life, if I am doing what God has led me to do, then I’m doing exactly what I should be.  Is it easy to be different from the crowd?  NO.  Do I still find myself comparing myself to others?  Yes.  But, I’m working daily to remember this…and it’s something that even at their young ages, I’m trying to teach my kids.
  5.   Make time to learn life skills alongside of your grandparents/parents while you have them able to teach.  This is still a hard one for me.  I lost my grandmother last year to dementia/Alzheimer’s, and still to this day, there are so many things I wish I had spent more time asking her or learning from her.  But you see, when I was young, I couldn’t imagine needing, let alone wanting to know those “old” ways.  Then, when I was in my early adult years, I was away at college and then busy starting my own life away from home.  And, before I knew it, I had kids and longed for those days to return when I could spend the day with my grandmother and learn, when instead, I was taking care of my own little ones.  I don’t think there is ever enough time with your loved ones…and, even had I spent every day with my grandma before her passing, I’d still want more.  But, if you do still have grandparents, soak in their stories…ask them about your heritage…learn some of their how-to tricks.  Those things are so hard to learn when they are gone.  And, I promise you, you will want it one day…one day when it just may be too late to get it.  
  6.   Parenting isn’t for the faint of heart…it isn’t easy…ever!  But it’s single-handedly three of the greatest blessings I’ve ever had in life.  It’s full of scary responsibility, and sometimes, I’d love to hide from that responsibility (I think most would say the same).  You’ll make a million mistakes…and they are great at keeping you humble in so many ways…but I wouldn’t take anything for my kids and all that they have and are teaching me as they grow up and I grow “old”.  The days are sometimes oh so long, but the years are gone in a blink!  
  7.   Life isn’t easy…and trials…hard times are guaranteed to come.  We so often live in a “Hallmark movie” dream world…where there are always happy endings…life just somehow “works out” before the movie ends.  But, that’s guaranteed not to be real life.  There will be great moments — bask in them…but there will also be sad ones…challenging ones…incomprehensible ones.  And you aren’t always going to be prepared for them in the ways that you feel you should be, because you never see them coming.  But, I remind myself often…God has never failed me…and I fail myself often…so there is no reason for me to ever question our journey, but just learn from it and find joy in it.  It doesn’t have to be easy to be enjoyable.  Often, the hardest journeys in our life have been the very things that brought us the closest to each other and to God.
  8.   Be willing to forgive…over and over again.  We are human…we live life with humans…and we are never going to be perfect.  People have and will continue to hurt you, intentionally and unintentionally.  Make a decision now to be forgiving of others…again and again and again.  Do it for yourself.  It will affect others, but it will affect you in ways you cannot even fathom.  
  9.   Marriage isn’t 50/50…it’s 100/100.  This is one time that math doesn’t work.  If you only put 50% effort into your marriage and your spouse only puts 50% effort into it, even though it adds up mathematically to 100%, it truly only equals a half effort at best…and that isn’t enough to survive, let alone thrive in a lifelong marriage relationship.  Marriage is 100% from both…giving it your best…your allevery day.  And, if you do that…you’ll both see that effort pay off in ways even movies couldn’t dream of portraying.
  10.   Live with NO REGRETS.  We all know this, but sometimes you get those sobering reminders (I’ve had quite a few lately)…life isn’t guaranteed…tomorrow, even the next hour isn’t a sure thing.  If you love someone, make sure they know it.  Don’t go to bed angry…make amends as soon as you can…even if your pride has to take a hit.  Don’t put off snuggles, pillow talk, bedtime stories, or sunset walks til tomorrow…none of us know how long God has planned for us to have here on earth with our families.  Make time to live in the now, seizing the moments we have today, and never give yourself any reason to look back with regret.

So…this isn’t an “exhaustive” list by any stretch.  But as I think on life now, and things that I’ve learned over the last almost 16 years, these are the things that stick out the most.  What would you say to your 20-year-old self?  

The Mom Balancing Act: How do YOU do it? http://desiresofmyheartblog.com/index.php/2017/05/07/the-mom-balancing-act-how-do-you-do-it/ Sun, 07 May 2017 21:30:00 +0000 Am I the only one that struggles daily with balance in life?  I’m pretty sure this started with kids…Katie, to be exact…almost 11 years ago now.  How do I keep the house clean, but still make meals for the family?  How do I “cherish” my time home with her, but still manage the laundry/homeschooling/cooking, etc.?  Pretty sure I’ve tried every book out there…every planner…every “routine” (for cooking, for cleaning, for sleeping…for, well, you name it!)  And, when I’ve asked those veteran moms that I look up to, I’m pretty sure the answer has always been something to the effect of “remember what’s most important now…it’s a season…we’ve all been there, but it’ll get better…”

Now, I have almost 11 years under my belt (that’s crazy, scary, and even a little depressing!)…three kids instead of one…and, somehow, here I am asking myself basically those same questions!  Why can’t I keep my house organized & clean from being the health department’s worst nightmare?!  How can I enjoy my much too quickly fleeting time with my kids, when I also need to keep all of the clothes washed, groceries bought (and prepared), school work/activities taken care of, etc.?  And how in this world do moms find the time or energy to spend time doing something for themselves??  Sadly, I feel so overwhelmed many days that I would rather just go to sleep and pretend to ignore the ever growing to-do list than to attempt it.  It’s literally the 1 step forward 10 steps back feeling.

Now, don’t get me wrong…I’ve figured out how to survive over the years…and some days are way better than others.  I’ve learned to let a lot (if not all) of my perfectionism go out the window…my expectations are for sure lower than they were when I first became a mom…I’ve learned that it’s okay to do the simple short-cuts (sometimes sandwiches or cereal nights are ok!)…I’ve learned that if I rotate well enough (one day to focus on groceries….one day to tackle all of the laundry…one day to quickly “hit” all of the house with a basic cleaning…one day to just be out, playing with the kids), then I can at least keep up appearances of having it together.  And that’s with the consistent help/understanding of my husband!  (I cannot imagine how single moms feel…) But inside, it still feels as if I am juggling a thousand balls and waiting for not one, but all of them, to come crashing down all around me.  No matter the small “survivor” victories I obtain, I find myself still longing for the balance that I just can’t seem to completely find.

So, I’m asking again…what am I missing?!  How do you “veteran moms” do it?  And how to you do it an maintain the joy of being a keeper of the home while trying to balance all of the “balls” life so often throws your way?

Prayers & Answered Prayers | Book Review http://desiresofmyheartblog.com/index.php/2017/01/23/prayers-answered-prayers-book-review/ Mon, 23 Jan 2017 17:09:00 +0000
I have always been a fan of journaling and writing, although it has become a little harder with parenting…I don’t always take the time to do it, as I once did.  But, as a pre-teen and teenager, and even young adult, journaling was such a huge part of my growth in Christ!  I want to show my children the importance of journaling, so I was thrilled when I was able to review this “journal” for prayers and answered prayers!
This book is actually two small prayer journals in one.  They come packaged together, but they can be taken apart if you’d like.  One part of the journal is designed to help young girls learn how to talk to God.  Each page has a new question along with fun doodling or quiz prompts throughout the book.  Basically, it is geared to teach them about themselves and how they can apply what they can learn to their prayer life.  The second part of the journal is about prayers that God has answered in/around your life.  It helps girls to see what God teaches about prayer and look for all of the ways God answers them.
This book is very cute for the tween/teen girl age.  My daughter immediately asked me if she could see it when she got a glimpse of the cover.  Since the book is filled more with the question/answer type prompts, it isn’t necessarily best for someone that is already good at writing/journaling on their own.  This would be a perfect “start” for teaching the art of journaling.
I received this book for free from Booklook Bloggers Program for this review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
With All Due Respect | Book Review http://desiresofmyheartblog.com/index.php/2016/10/18/with-all-due-respect-book-review/ Tue, 18 Oct 2016 15:27:00 +0000

Having an almost 10 year old daughter, who is already very much in the “tween” stage in so many ways, I was excited to find and read “With All Due Respect: 40 Days to a More Fulfilling Relationship with Your Teens & Tweens”.   This book is set up more like a daily devotional for moms with a daily “challenge” to help relook/change your perspective toward your tween/teen, which in turn helps to build/rebuild that relationship between mother/child.  
Each “day” starts with Bible verses and an easy-to-relate-to scenario from other families.  After the story sets the tone for the day’s “focus”, the topic is explained/explored thoroughly but is offered in a short, manageable form, even for the busiest of moms.  Each day ends with thought-provoking questions/challenges to help you to apply and a prayer for the day, specific to the topic discussed.  
Not every day will be relevant to everyone, but I would venture to guess that everyone could find something worthwhile within the pages of this book to help you to better understand your tween/teen.  This is a book I will keep and go through over and over again to keep me in check on ways I can better relate to my children as they reach the tween/teen ages and stages.  
I received this book for free from Booklook Blogger Program for this review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Interpreter Needed | Life with a 2-Year-Old http://desiresofmyheartblog.com/index.php/2016/08/30/interpreter-needed-life-with-a-2-year-old/ Tue, 30 Aug 2016 22:53:00 +0000 So, over the past couple of months, I’ve noticed Addison’s 2-year-old vocabulary has sky-rocketed!  And I’ve noticed, at least to a small degree, that I’m not always the best at understanding.  But until this last week, I never considered that what I really needed was an interpreter…now, I’m certain of it…

We’ve had our share of “misunderstandings”… PrissyPop is really Princess Cup…Moomoooo isn’t a cow but a MovieJuuuBockes is OBVIOUSLY Juice Boxes…
But each time we have ran across a word that I am just not understanding, either Katie or Austin will come to her rescue and figure it out, or I’ll eventually get a “light-bulb” moment and figure it out, never to forget it again.
But this week…this week…was different.  On at least 3 separate occasions, Addison told me she has seen a mouse {or, at least that’s what I thought she’d seen}…and each time, the subject moved on to something else quickly, and no questions arose.  But not this time.
So here we were, waiting patiently to turn left out of the school after morning drop off…and when I say waiting, it was one of those days where you felt like you had waited forever because of all of the traffic in either direction.  But, I digress… from the backseat, this is what I hear:
Mom.  Oooooo.  Mowwshhh.

Mmm.Hmmmm.  That’s great, Sweetie! {Don’t tell me you don’t do this sometimes!}

Mom!  Mowwwssshhhhhhhh!!

Okay, baby.  I hear you.  Mouth?  Your mouth hurts??  {In my defense, she does have 2 molars breaking through…and I had definitely seen no mouse!}

No, Mom!  A Mowwwwwshhhh!!  

{She’s very frustrated with me at this point, and I’m no closer to figuring out what she’s saying than when she started…}  House??  You see that house?!  {Yeah, totally crasping at straws now….}


And there it was…sitting as still as a statue…

And, if that wasn’t enough…we took a short trip to the local wildlife refuge last weekend.  The first thing she sees in the museum is a fox squirrel, where she immediately yells…

Mom!  WOOKKK!  A FOX!!!

Yeah…pretty certain now I need an interpreter…and maybe a few books to teach her a few animals… {grins}  2-year-olds are trying at times, but I wouldn’t take this fun stage for anything!!  I’m afraid that much too soon, we’ll no longer be looking for those PrissyPops, mowwwsshhh, mooomooooo’s, and juuubockes, and what fun would that be?!

Walmart Grocery Review | It’s a GAME-CHANGER, Folks!! http://desiresofmyheartblog.com/index.php/2016/07/26/walmart-grocery-review-its-a-game-changer-folks/ Tue, 26 Jul 2016 22:01:00 +0000
Today I had my first Walmart Grocery (online ordering/pick-up) experience, and let me just say…this could be the biggest game-changer for our family, ever!  
A couple of weeks ago, I received a mailer “introducing” me to the Walmart Grocery experience and offered a $10 credit on my first order.  I looked at it, and tucked it away in my coupon holder, and hadn’t really thought much about it.  Until today…
You see, I have put off buying groceries for days… dreading the task of taking all three kids grocery shopping — with all of the kid drama, long lines, scorching heat, and the inevitable frustration when I get home to realize I missed half  of my list of items needed due to trying to focus on the kids and their antics.  I had already decided that I would just go get groceries this evening, even though that’s when it’s craziest, just so I could go without the kids and hopefully have a little less crazy in my grocery shopping.  But then, I remembered that Walmart Grocery coupon, and it expired in just a few days, so I decided now is truly the perfect time to “give them a try.”
Guys, I didn’t have big expectations, at all.  It’s Walmart, after all…not Publix.  But, small or large expectations, they blew me away today!!  So, I’m here to share my personal experience (good and bad) with you, so you can decide for yourself if this may be that game-changer for your family, as well.  

So, let’s start with the website…Walmart Grocery Website + $10 off coupon
  • It was much like any online shopping website (Walmart/Target/etc)…you can shop by category, you can search by general name (ie. milk), or you can search for a specific name (ie. Almondmilk Original Unsweetened).  And, once you find your item, you easily add it to your cart.  
  • It gives you the option to choose the Walmart Grocery location you’d like to use, as well as “reserving” you pick-up time slot (you have an hour for your pick-up window).
  • In my experience, I had approximately 30 minutes to complete my order before it made me reselect my reservation time.  {Most people could probably have been done in half that time, but since I was home, I would think of something and I’d go “check” to make sure I needed it…not to mention the occasional kid interruption…but I digress…}
  • Once you finish, you will check out.  {This is also where you will put your $10 off coupon code if it didn’t already apply it for you}.
Once you’ve checked out, you’ll receive a confirmation email that gives you a run down of your order, as well as details on pick-up…
  • Here’s a “snippet” from my email:  {note:  I did not receive a call to alert me that my order was ready for pick-up, but I arrived 2 minutes prior to the beginning of my pick-up time window, and they brought it out within just a few minutes!}
  • Your confirmation email tells you about the “edit” option, where you have a small window of time that you can add/remove/change your order.  For me, I ordered at 10am, and my email said my “cutoff time for changes” was 1pm.  I did try to add a forgotten item at 11am, and it would not allow it, as it was already “processing”.  Honestly, I thought I just wasn’t finding the right “area” online to make the changes, so I contacted customer service, but they said they couldn’t “add” anything once the edit button disappears, whether it is before the editable time indicated or not.  
    • I will say, however, on a side note that customer service was super quick to respond (via phone AND email) to my question and offered an account credit for my trouble.  They also said they were escalating the call so that they could fix the problem for future, as they want their cutoff times to be accurate for the customer.
    • Hindsight (and suggestion for you), it is probably best to order the day before you want to pick up, so you can easily add/change/edit before cutoff time when you remember things you forgot.  I just needed groceries today, so I didn’t have that option this time.
Now, for the pick-up process…all I can say is Wow!  Kudos to Walmart for getting the job done and doing it RIGHT!!  
  • Upon arrival at Walmart, it was very easy to see where to go for “pick-up”…there was a huge awning with Grocery Pick-Up written on it.  

  • Once you get into a pick-up parking spot, you have a speaker system on the driver’s side and also a sign in front of you that tells you a number you can call to pick-up.  I chose to call, and I immediately got a courteous employee ready to help.  I gave her my name and told her I was picking up, and that was it!  I sat back and waited.  {I arrived about 2 minutes prior to my 1-hour pick up window, and I did not call and give them any advance notice of my arrival…I wanted to see how well they’d be prepared without any notice.  I kid you not, she was at my car within 5 minutes, if that, ready to confirm my order and load my groceries!}

  • The employee greeted me cheerfully, handed me a complimentary ice-cold bottle of water, and began the “order confirmation” and loading process.
  • Part of the “order confirmation” was to confirm that a couple of substitutions were made in my order, and whether or not I was ok with those substitutions.  In my case, it was a small “size” difference, which did not matter at all to me!  So, I signed and we were on our way to her loading the groceries.  {Once I got home, I realized that they conveniently added a “substitution” sticker to the bag which held those items, if by chance, I was not ok with those items and they were taken off my order.}

  • I had one kid napping through the entire grocery experience {it was so nice to be able to get groceries and do nap time at the same time!}  The other two, sat playing their ipods as our groceries were quickly loaded.
  • They also labeled the “fragile” items (like my eggs) with stickers…probably more for their benefit, but it helped me, as well, so I knew which bags not to give the kids to unload.

It was a bit of a drive for the closest Walmart Grocery (about 25 minutes from my house to Madison Blvd), and it took less than 10 minutes for the entire pick-up process…So in way less than an hour, my three kids and I purchased and had our car loaded with groceries, never having to set foot out of our air-conditioned car!  It was the easiest shopping I’ve ever done for groceries, and it didn’t cost anything extra!!  For me, it’s a game-changer, folks.  I’m sure, at some point, there will likely be a “fee” associated with the service, but until then, I’m sold.  And when that time does come, I’d likely still be sold.  

Now, one final thing…Walmart Grocery currently has it to where you can earn a $10 referral credit for each friend that signs up and places their first order (each friend gets a $10 credit, too)!  Talk about a way to “earn” free groceries/save money.  So, go ahead and sign up HERE to get started on your Walmart Grocery addition 😉  
Bye-Bye, Paa-Paa | Pacifier Detox http://desiresofmyheartblog.com/index.php/2016/06/27/bye-bye-paa-paa-pacifier-detox/ Mon, 27 Jun 2016 12:07:00 +0000 http://desiresofmyheartblog.com/index.php/2016/06/27/bye-bye-paa-paa-pacifier-detox/ So, it wasn’t until Addison was near 10 months old before she really began to show attachment to her “paa-paa” (pacifier) and “di” (burp cloth…the reason for that name will have to be another story in and of itself…).  But, when she attached, boy! did she attach!!  Though I have always tried to keep her “paa-paa” and “di” as an option only at bedtime, there were many other times that she insisted on it (car rides, tired times, hurt feelings, sickness, pain, new places/people, etc….), and often we gave in.  Though she didn’t always have it in her mouth, it was always nearby if needed.

Fast-forward a few months, and she’s talking wayyy more {which is hard to understand with her “papNdi” (her combination word for paa-paa and di, as of lately)}…and knowing that she was about to be 2, it was time for “paa-paa” to disappear.

For the last few months, I planned to spend this week getting rid of her pacifier, as she’s an “only child” at home this week (sissy’s at camp and bubba’s spending a week with Nana and Pawpaw).  It sounded like the best option.  She could “cry it out” a bit without disrupting the older kiddos (especially since she sleeps with Katie).  But I tell you, the closer I got to Monday, the more I dreaded this “pacifier detox”.

So, this post is more for me than you…I thought, maybe, if I can use you as my “accountability” then I would be less likely to give in to temptation (returning paa-paa).  But, maybe this post is for some of you, too…if you have a little one that may one day require a pacifier detox.  (Unless, of course, I fail…then I guess it would be a great example of how not to detox…but I digress).  So, this entry will be more of a “journal” of Addison (and Mommy’s) Pacifier Detox program…I’ll just update throughout the process.  Who knew it would be so hard?!  My other two really weren’t that attached…I never worried about this with them.  Well, here we go!…

Monday, 7:00am — Addison wakes up ready for her milk and a little cartoon time.  While she is relaxing and enjoying her morning milk, I sneak her 5 extra paa-paa’s to a secret location that, if I were truly honest, I probably shouldn’t know (in fear that it may make it easier to give in later)…and I leave only 1 pacifier in her bed with the tip cut off.

Monday, 12:30pm — Addison asked for her paa-paa throughout the morning, but I diverted her attention each time, never offering to get her pacifier.  Lunch is now finished, and it’s naptime.  I’m not sure how I thought this would go, but she got in bed, found her pacifier, and immediately said “uh-oh”, and showed me her “broken” paa-paa.  I agreed with her that it was broken and told her I was sorry…went through our normal nap routine, and left her to it.  That lasted maybe 30 seconds before she let EVERYONE know that she was unhappy and needed her “other paa-paa”.  

Monday, 2pm — Yeah, so naptime was a no-go today…hopefully that won’t forever be the case, since with her paa-paa she was such a great napper!!  So, we opted to take a short road-trip to the toy store to walk around and redeem her birthday coupon.  She did finally take a short nap in the {parked} car, but only after “sucking” on a safety sucker {I sure hope she doesn’t think I’m replacing one “sucker” for another type…that’d be pointless, huh? — instead of making crooked teeth from her paa-paa usage, I’d just aid in giving her rotten teeth from a sucker!  Yeah, totally not happening… but I’ll take it today, to give her at least a small 20 minute nap!!  And, as she thought about it, she’d ask for paa-paa, and I’d turn it back to her as a question “what happened to paa-paa?”, and she’d tell me “paa-paa broke”…”throw paa-paa away”.  And that, was that. (Until the next time she asked it…)

Monday, 8pm — You know, she really didn’t ask for paa-paa much this evening (we tried to keep her busy) until now…an hour past her normal bedtime.  We went through her bedtime routine, and put her in bed.  She cried…and cried…sometimes screaming…sometimes horribly sad whimpers (the whimpers hurt my heart more than the angry screams).  I’d give her a few minutes, then I’d go back to talk to her, calm her, and put her back down.  Then we’d start again.  I’d lie with her…hold her hand…offer lullaby music…but all she wanted was “paa-paa”.  Honestly, this was HARD!  It was soooo tempting to go get one of the “hidden” ones to give to her.  She would’ve been asleep in less than 5 minutes had I done so…but she started settling down more and more, so I delayed myself.  And, soon, she was asleep.  I didn’t know for how long, but she was asleep…and without her paa-paa.  

Tuesday, 7am — We made it through the night!!  And, believe it or not, she woke with a smile, and never asked me at all about her paa-paa.  It helped to know I had made it through the first 24 hours, but I can’t say that I wasn’t worried about how today would go…technically it should get easier…but that’s never guaranteed.  Time will tell, I suppose.

Tuesday, 12pm — Until now, she has not made one mention of her paa-paa!!  Wow!!!  She went through her “spill” about what happened to paa-paa, and then just asked for her milk and “di”.  Her tiredness is kicking in now, though…and we’ll be home for naptime soon, so we will see how this goes…

Tuesday, 2:30pm — Believe it or not, I put her in bed for nap, and she WENT TO SLEEP!!  No paa-paa…didn’t even ask for it!  She may have just been beyond tired…or maybe she’s getting used to it.  But either way, this Momma will take it as a victory!  

Tuesday, 9:00pm — Her bedtime is getting longer and later these days (partially because we were trying to wear her down a bit more).  I think she really just doesn’t know how to settle herself without her “paa-paa”….But she didn’t even mention it at bedtime!!  She did ask about it once while in the car, but she told “Dada” what happened to it, and that was that!  I’ll take this as another victory…she went to sleep on her own, with minimal crying, and with no pacifier! That’s day TWO in the books!!

Wednesday, 7am — I’m hearing less and less of “paa-paa” now.  She’s finally moving on without it.  Granted, she hasn’t seen any pacifiers either (which I’m afraid may be hard when she sees her sweet cousin with hers, since they look like hers), but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.  We are T-3 days until our beach/family reunion trip, so I am in hopes that the additional days away will help her to fully move on to normality without her pacifier.  At this point, I must agree that the first day is the hardest…and it’s harder for the parents than the child.  I thought this was going to be the worst week ever trying to detox her from paa-paa, but although I hate seeing her upset (like she was on day 1), I love seeing that smile and hearing those forming sentences (that were so hard to see/hear with her pacifier)!  It’s worth the trouble…

Wednesday, 9pm — We have officially made it a full 24 hours without the mention of “paa-paa”…AND she went straight to sleep without crying or whining tonight!  I’m calling it (and hoping to be right) that we are now “fully detoxed” and pacifier free!  It did get progressively easier over the last couple of days.  Monday was definitely the hardest…but days like today (and all following) make it worth it!!

Bye-bye, Paa-Paa!!  For GOOD!
